1. Listening To Various Simple Oral Texts
    1. Listening to and Understanding Various Simple Oral Texts on Various Issues
      1. Answer questions on simple oral texts
      2. Write down what is read
  2. Talking About Events
    1. Talking about Celebrations
      1. Narrate what took place in a given celebration
    2. Talking about Accidents
      1. Narrate what took place in an accident
    3. Talking about Elections
      1. Narrate what took place in a given election
    4. Talking about Sports
      1. Narrate what took place during a sports event
    5. Talking about Visits
      1. Narrate what took place in a visit he/she made
  3. Asking For Service
    1. Making Telephone Calls
      1. Make telephone calls using appropriate language
    2. Talking about Reservations
      1. Use appropriate expressions for reservations
    3. Talking about Shopping
      1. Use appropriate expressions when Shopping
  4. Locating Places
    1. Locating Important Places
      1. Express the location of important places
    2. Identifying Factual Information from the Media
      1. Identify facts from the media
    3. Identifying Non-Factual Information from the Media
      1. Identify non-factual information from the media
  5. Giving Descriptions
    1. Describing Things
      1. Describe things in terms of their quality
  6. Talking About Cultural Activities
    1. Talking about Games
      1. Explain how a game familiar to him/her is played
    2. Talking about Marriages
      1. Describe marriage activities
    3. Talking about Funerals
      1. Describe what takes place in funerals
  7. Expressing Opinions
    1. Expressing Point of View
      1. Participate in a debate on familiar issues
  8. Reading For Comprehension
    1. Reading and Obtaining General Information
      1. Answer general questions on text read
    2. Reading and Obtaining Specific Information
      1. Answer on specific information on a text read
  9. Interpreting Literary Works
    1. Interpreting Simple Stories
      1. Explain the message from simple stories read
    2. Interpreting Poems
      1. Answer questions from a poem
  10. Writing Cards And Messages
    1. Writing Cards
      1. Write cards for various occasions and events
    2. Writing Messages
      1. Write telephone messages from callers
    3. Writing Telephone Messages
      1. Write messages on mobile phones
    4. Leaving a Written Note/Message
      1. Write clear departure note/message

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